Monday, October 18, 2010

The Mom Chronciles: Fall Shape Up Challenge (10/4/10)

The Mom Chronicles: Fall Shape Up Challenge

If even after reading the title for this column you are still here reading it I applaud you. You've taken your first step. For those who read the title and were scared away at the words shape up and challenge in the same sentence I can only hope that one of you gets to one of them.

The reality is none of us like to admit that there comes a time when our shapes get the best of us. When the scale tips to numbers we'd prefer to be the balance in our bank account and our jeans can't quite be squeezed in to with out feeling like a sardine.

As moms we are notorious for not taking care of ourselves or letting ourselves go. We find time for every one else and their needs, neglecting our own. We don't realize it at first. It starts small. One day we forget to brush our teeth, the next we realize it's been two weeks since we shaved our legs, then we move the sofa to find that gym membership card and realize it's been six months since we last wondered where it was, all while munching on a Big Mac and drinking a Diet Coke as if it cancels things out.

Well, this mom is just like many of you facing these very things. And in fact I probably would have continued on my not so merry way barely noticing that I have let this happen to me, too, if not for some recent calls to reality.

This fall, I find myself at the ripe age of twenty nine forced to finally face some things I have chose to ignore for some time. Don't get me wrong.I've known that I haven't been exactly a picture of perfect health. That I haven't worked out as I should or eaten as well as I could have. And then this past week at the doctor's office I got on the scale. I was horrified with what I saw. "That's a lot of two's!" the nurse said. Thanks a lot, I thought. Ouch. Do I really weigh that much? And then there is my climbing blood pressure that we just can't get a handle on, or the fact I now have developed sleep apnea and have to wear one of those dreaded CPAP machines which makes me feel less then attractive when laying in bed next to my husband. Can you say Darth Vador? And I havene't yet mentioned the size of jeans I recently tried on. This doesn't even include what effect my weight is having on my fertility issues.

So you see my moms, I have a problem. Not only have I let myself go, but I have let myself go in such a way that is effecting my health. There is a reality that obesity comes with consequences. We hate to admit it. We all think it won't be us. But it is so many of us.

So this brings me here. My little come to Jesus moment was followed by some soul searching and I decided if I need to get on the horse and get my butt back in to shape, I don't want to do it alone. And so my moms, I am sorry, but I am challenging you to do the same.

The challenge is a simple one. It is not to loose so many pounds or work out so many days a week. It is to set a fitness goal and work for it. My goal is to finally run the Gobble Gait on Thanksgiving. I would welcome you to make that your goal as well. Not run it, perhaps, but walk it. Just participate in it. That gives us just under two months. By setting a goal, one has to make natural changes in their daily lives to accomodate it. I can't possibly get ready for a race by sitting on my rear end eating fast food. And so I have restarted my gym membership. Just so happened I had some personal training sessions left from the last time I had my membership so I am working with someone else that will help keep me accountable. I am looking for healthy recipes to cook for my family, as I know if I eat better I will feel better. And mostly, I am sharing the venture with all of you, encouraging you to jump on board. What better time but the present? The Gobble Gait marks the official start of the holiday season with Thanksgiving and what a better way to start it then with a fitness routine and healthy eating habits? We all dread those added pounds that seem to pile on during the winter months. Yet each year we succomb to them as if we feel it is our duty, and then make it our resolution to shed the pounds. For many of us it never happens.

This year, let's make the resolution that we won't need to make that resolution. Choose to not put on that winter weight. To be healthier. Are you on board?

I shouldn't forget to mention this won't just benefit you, but your families as well. If you are eating better and being more active you families will, too. Everyone can be included.

I will be blogging about my weekly progress on my Area Voices blog. I encourage you to join me. Share your own experiences and come and be inspired. I hope to see you at the starting line in November.

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