Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tending to Our Young

Hi, Moms~
Whew. What a week! I am sorry I am just getting back here.. It has been  one of THOSE weeks. I am sure you will hear about it in next week's column, but here is a preview. Kids got sick. Both of them. My daughter with Pneumonia and my son with a bad cold, made worse by his asthma. This has meant a small fortune in office and medication co-pays when I didn't have it. It meant I couldn't start the treatment program that I have waited over a month to get in to for my depression. It meant missing my own doctor appointment, teaching confirmation, and chiropractor appts for the pinched nerve in my neck that also happened this week. I have gotten approximately 8 hours of sleep total this week. I have eaten junk for food just to stay awake. I feel like a small cow. Then we had the Diet Coke Crisis, which was able to be averted when I finally got to Target, both kids in tow, as I ran out and can't function on no sleep with out it. Yes, I, the horrible mom I am, took my ailing children out in these temps, with wet hair after a bath none the less- to fulfill my own need for diet coke. Remember that thing about having to take care of yourself? Yes, that would be it. My husband will not be home until late in the weekend and even suggested not coming until next week. I told him not to dare be gone that long. Mom needs a break.
Fortunately I got deeply rewarded by my daughter tonight when, in feeling better, she crawled up on the couch and stood up behind me and put her head on my shoulder and "patted" my back with her little hands, as if to say "thanks, mom". It was so sweet. She is feeling better- finally- so thank Goodness for that!
This weekend I am hoping to be able to fulfil the promise to my son to get the "Ho-Ho tree". Also, the lighted holiday train is coming through Hastings, so of course we must go and do that! Hopefully things are finally going to turn around.. Now, if only the grass could be covered with the white stuff... That would be golden!
Have a great week, moms!
Hopeing you and yours are better then we've been!!

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