Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Mom Chronicles: Celebrating Matthew (7/8)

The Mom Chronicles: Celebrating Matthew

Welcome back, moms. I hope you enjoyed your long holiday weekend.

The fourth of July holiday is particularly special for my family and I. What I did not mention last week is that it's the weekend we celebrate the passing of another year in my son's life. He was nearly a firecracker baby. I was induced with him on the fourth of July and as the fireworks boomed in the wee hours of the night, he held off in order to have his own special day, and came shortly after the start of the fifth. That was four years ago. It is hard to believe its been so long. Don't get me wrong, some days seem like its been an eternity!- but mostly, I can't believe we are already to preschool and riding a bike and all the other things that life with a four year old brings.

My Matthew entered the world at a mear four and a half pounds. He was a premie and had a somewhat eventful first two months of life, mostly in terms of being jaundiced and on bili lights for eight weeks. His first couple years were rough ones in general. At about seven months he got a horrible case of chicken pox that covered even his eye lids, and that brought us to our first trip to the ER. Shortly there after we figured out he had asthma. At a year and a half he spent several days hospitalized for RSV and pneumonia. During this time he also made his first trip over the side bar of his crib, not landing on his feet as he had hoped, and out of his high chair. And then there was that thing with the bee sting when we quickly learned he was allergic to them. Life with a kiddo is always interesting,isn't it? We've had our trip to the ER for a staple in the head due to jumping on mom's bed and now have learned Matty needs glasses.

The past four years have also brought many joys as well. Matthew has a radiant smile and dimples that make my heart melt. He is full of kisses and affection for his mom, and the highlight of our days are driving passed the fire department to see if the fire trucks and ambulances are "awake" (gone on a run) or "sleeping" (at the station). He has high aspirations like his mommy of being on one of those trucks. I've gotten to watch him embrace brotherhood as we welcomed his sister a couple years ago,and he fondly refers to her as "my Ella". Most recently his love has been devoted to "swimmin' and dancin'" after a weekend away to my brother's wedding where he got to do ample amounts of both and playing with our Newfoundland puppy. He also loves playing with "the kids" a few doors down, and going any where that entails fishing, swimming or a park.

Needless to say with such a joy brought in to my life during the fourth of July weekend, it holds a special place in my heart. As we sat together and watched the fireworks this past weekend with my son's head resting on my lap, I did what I do every year, and couldn't help but get a little choked up. You see, we had been told my son would likely have down syndrome and a heart defect. As the fireworks exploded outside my hospital window, I had hopes for the best, while expecting the worst. My Matthew, my dear sweet Matthew, came out perfect. Small, but perfect. He mearly had in-utero growth restriction. And so new joy came on that night. And as we watched those fireworks the other night, sweet memories of the night my son came in to my world flooded back, and I felt so blessed.

The only thing missing from the fourth of July fireworks this year was the music for the dancin'. My son over and over begged to go up to the club house where a wedding reception was being held so he could dance. This year, as opposed to last, there was no DJ. The event wasn't quite what it was last year. Fireworks were still great. It was fabulous to see families out enjoying each other and the holiday. But my family missed the music. I am hoping next year it finds its way back, as that would make for a very happy little boy. One, that would have loved to dance his way in to his birthday.

And so my moms, please join me in wishing my son a fabulous 4th birthday. We are spending it at Chuck-E-Cheese, every mom's dream place to take her kid (ah...yeah..) where Matthew will be surrounded by the people that love him most and are equally as thrilled to spend his special day with him. Additionally, thank you for allowing this mom to gush about one of the greatest loves in her life.

See you next week!

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