Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Long Time Gone

Dear Moms~
Let's just say quite frankly that I have sucked at this blog thing the past few months. Ok, now that I got that out there I can beg your forgiveness and update you all on life in the Peterson household!
My time has been in great demand in terms of having school and mulitple things for the kids. I completed my EMT course in May and passed my National Registry and License exams in June. I am now a NREMT-B (Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician- Basic). Now that's a mouthful! I loved school so much that I have stayed in it and am continuing on to become a Paramedic. This summer I took two classes and am almost done, before a short break and the fall semester starts. Whew!
As for the kids, I have continued to have to bring Ella to her physical therapy at Gillette, and Matthew now needs both glasses, AND speech therapy. He is showing early signs of learning issues and we have a long road ahead, I am afraid.
Ella turned two in April, Matty just turned 4, and I turned 29 yesterday. Woo hoo! One more year of 20's then its on to the next decade of my life. I am not sure how to feel about that. Probably as any mom does- OLD!- with my son starting preschool already! But I am excited and look forward to what life the next years brings.
And so as I have a break in life for a few weeks, I hope to get back on top of this whole blog thing. I appreciate your coming back and finding me again. I realized I commited blog suicide in taking a hiatus..... and I hope my loyal followers find their way back again!
Please..sit back, put your feet up and get caught up in my columns. They are all posted up through this week. I have started a new summer safety series and that has been a very exciting thing for me. As I embark on my second year of the column, I am full of new ideas. Feel free to share with me any ideas you have for it or any needs of yours you'd like me to address.
I look forward to meeting you here again!

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