Friday, September 25, 2009

Chronicles 12

Mom Chronicles 12

The Mom Chronicles: This is No Fat Joke

As usual, welcome back, Chronicle Moms! I hope you are having a great week! This week finds me feeling a little bit self conscious. Not that I usually don't, but there have been several references to my, how do I say it- round self, over this past week, and as I embark on this next week I am not feeling so great about that. Part of me can't help but to just laugh at the irony that all the weight related references I got this past week all happened to come with in the same few days. The other part of me is trying really hard not to cry, as I know I am far from the shape I could or should be in.

I think this is a common occurence for us single moms, and not-so single moms as well. As we lack a partner to relieve us to go to the gym or out for a walk or run, we find ourselves not as fit as we could be. Furthermore, I find myself avoiding taking my kids to the grocery store at all costs, which means we frequent restaurants way more than we should (the debris in my car is evidence of that). I find myself feeling a bit more motivated after this past week, though, to make that happen- the gym and grocery store for healthier choices, that is. Here is why.

So I am at a large bookstore last week. I knew I had about 32 hours child free so seeing as the book I was looking for was not in, I approached one of the "booksellers" for suggestions on what I could inhale in terms of a book with in those hours. To my lack of appreciation, she ushered me over to a display promoting a new health book which has a motto related to eating leaves, and lots of them. Basically, about how what we as Americans are eating is all wrong and that we need to return to the all natural, unprocessed food that is leaves, fruits, vegetables, and the like. Obviously she did not notice that my enthusiasm for the topic was not what hers was, that or she just didn't care, but she basically pushed it in to my empty hands and told me she hoped I liked it as much as she did. Needless to say, I did not leave with that book in my bag, though I felt for the kid I saw reading it at the Fire fighters Bouya lunch. The joys of school reading lists. I tried not to take her suggestion personally. I was, after all, in Woodbury where it's all about bottled water and fancy wine.

A couple days ago, I made the trek back to the bookstore to pick up the book I had gone for to begin with. Awaiting me was another 32 hour weekend alone, and at the desk I noticed a friendly looking group of booksellers chatting. Having not gotten a decent read the last weekend, I decided to approach these folks thinking certainly between the three of them they would have a suggestion different then the other earth lady about eating plants. So I eagerly approach them, before asking for my running book, and put the same inquiry out there. Mom, no kids for the weekend, need good book to entertain self. And almost in a chorus what do they recommend to me? The same leaf eating, health nut book that the other lady did. I had to contain myself to not say, "Are you kidding me?! Is this some kind of fat joke?!" I walk in to this store twice, about a week apart, and ask four different people, who should realistically, all have different recommendations for me, right?! Not so much. They all suggest a book to me that promotes better eating and weight loss. And they didn't stop there! They went on to tell me about the manager of the store lost 80 pounds using the ideas in the book. I had to bite my tongue as to not ask, "Are you suggesting I have eighty pounds to loose?!" I felt like being like, "Hey, people! Don't you see the running book I ordered? Don't you see I am attempting to get back off of my rear end? Don't you know that I have had two kids in three years and spent the summer completely unable to do anything physically? Really?" So I thank them for the recommendation, scour a different section of books, and leave a short time later, with my running book, and plan to head to the local coffee shop for a tall Caramel Mochiatto.

At this point, I am starting to question how I really do appear to the general population. Am I flashing "Lazy obese person needing latest health craze"? Enter my son. A frequent response in my household lately to him has been, "when you get bigger". You can see where this one is going. My son, in his growing independence, is asking to do a lot of things, most to which I respond, "You have to get a little bigger, first!" and to which Matthew then answers, "But I AM bigger, mom!" So we are riding in the car on our way to daycare the end of last week. I am having issues from my venture to the book store, amongst other things, and out of the blue my son says to me from the back seat, "You bigger, mommy!" I really hoped I hadn't heard what I thought I did. So I questioned him. What was that, Matthew? To which he replies, "I said you getting bigger, mommy!" Indeed, I have gotten bigger. A lot bigger. And even my three year old has noticed.

And finally, with election season upon us, my wordage here in my chronicles has to shorten up. And how does Chad tell me to shorter things up? By telling me I have to go on a "Word Diet." Of all words to use! Diet. I groaned. I knew what he was saying. I need to shorten these mom chronicles up so you fine citizens of Hastings can express your views on upcoming election topics. I get that. But a word diet? Chad, hasn't anyone ever told you that diets don't work?!

And so I reflect on the words of my last week and I think Ok! I get the message! I am carrying around some extra poundage. I get it! And so I pull out my pen and paper and make my grocery list. I pull my treadmill back out from the wall, where it was patiently waiting to go out to the garage while I couldn't use it over the summer, and I set my alarm for an hour earlier tomorrow morning, with the intention of using it. Have I mentioned I hate mornings? So that is my challenge to myself.

My chronicles have made mention several times lately of taking time to take care of yourself. I guess this is one more area I need to address in doing so. Not that I couldn't have had it any clearer if it was in neon lights or on the scoreboard at a local Raiders game, but it's here and it's mine, and I am actually ok with it. And of course, if I am doing it, I am challenging you to do it, too! Make one or two small changes each week to get you closer to the person physically, or mentally you want to be. What will you do? Will you drink more water? Read the book about eating leaves? Walk in the beauty of the fall? Snack on those prime apples you gather at the orchards with your kids rather than the icecream in your freezer? Make a change. Let me know how it goes. And no, this is not a fat joke. I am a mom, and I know how it is.

On a final note, as I mentioned earlier, the Chronicles will still be here, but in a shorter form, so I encourage you to visit my blog at I will keep you updated on my progress and hope you will keep me updated on yours, as well.

Have a great week!

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