Monday, November 15, 2010

Time to Focus...and regroup!

An old friend of mine used to say when things got a little haywire "Focus...and regroup. Redirect all your negative energy from your head to your toes.." She even had little motions that went with them!
This is always something that stuck for me because I tend to get a little unfocused. I get distracted. I get a bit... oh... I tend to go off the beaten path. Like, way off. We are talking out in the middle of poe-dung nowhere.
I find myself in that place today. Feeling distracted, out of sorts, in limbo. I am kicking my own butt over a lot of things, which is hard considering ones butt is after all on their backside and I am not as limber as I once was! lol.. But the mental butt kicking is something that has always come easy for me. Now is no exception. Among things that are making me kick up those heels are first and foremost my whole fall shape up challenge. I have been working hard to train for the Gobble Gait. The Hastings Thanksgiving Day 8K run/walk. I have been pumped and focused... until recently. The thing is, I lost my way. My goal to shape up seemed to zone in on the whole shape aspect and instead of focusing on just getting healthier and being more active, it has turned in to this whole weight thing, which is a losing battle for me. Instead of enjoying the running and working it I see it as a means to an end and not the journey it is. So this past week when things were busy and the scale wasn't cooperating I slacked. I dropped the ball. I didn't get to the y. I didn't hit the trails. I moped. I sat in my chair watching the Biggest Loser drinking my diet coke and eating left over Halloween Candy and thought "What was the point? What ever made me think I could do this?" Like I said, I lost my way.
School has also sent me off track. Well, not really school itself but everything going on with the kids. The demands of being a mom have overshadowed the demands of being a student and I have not done my best work. I have not been so commited. I have let my GPA down and am struggling just to pass this semester. Once again, I feel like throwing in the towel. Like, what was I thinking?
Ah.. today, I know from within, that I need to reclaim these things. I need to get back out on the path. I need to get out the door and get on the running trail. I need to do my schoolwork and regain my focus. A venture off the path doesn't mean you are lost forever. It just means you have lost your way. It means I need to retrace where I ventured off and get myself back on track. A single downfall is not a failure unless you let it be. It's time to pull myself up by the bootstraps, and give myself a wakeup call. Last week was a bad week. The scale reflects it. My mood reflects it. School reflects it. This is a new week. Let's see if I can't get back on course...

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