Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Mom Chronicles: A Fresh Place (3/15/10)

The Mom Chronicles: A fresh place

Well, the very fact that you are reading this says that I survived my move. It was a long, grueling, overwhelming process, but the new place is great so it was well worth it. Now granted the place is a maze through boxes waiting to be unpacked, but I have come to accept the very nature of that as it pertains to moving. And so, just about the time I am ready to curse and swear because I can’t find something, I take a deep breath, count to ten, and try to remind myself it’s not going to be this way for long.

Adding to the chaos of the weekend, as I mentioned last week, was the arrival of the new family member, Dottie. She is a three month old Newfoundland that if you catch her out of the side of your eye could easily be mistaken for a little bear cub. All 35 pounds of her has shadowed me through the maze of boxes, sat on the front step with me for a “time out” when I reached my boiling point, and showered me with fabulous, wet puppy kisses on (and off!) demand. Yes, adding her now has been quite the adventure. I now have two little girls to potty train (her and my Ella), another basket of toys to keep contained (hers are of the squeaky variety) and another very hungry mouth to feed (she appears to be a bottomless pit!). However, she is fitting in very nicely and I am so very thrilled. She does not make my “issues” behind my getting her go away, but she does make for a nice distraction and comfort, so in the weeks and months and years ahead I so look forward to having her by my side.

Fortunately for us, there was some comic relief through out the weekend that always seemed to come at the times we needed it the most. My son felt the need to show off his manlier side and help the movers with the moving process. He frequently told them he better carry something as it was “too heavy” for them and they might get hurt. He walked around with out his shirt on showing off his “muscles” that he was using to carry things, and at one point stood shirtless, with his hands on his hips in the “man pose” scanning the living room and said to me, “Mom, I just think we have too much stuff.” The movers had quite the time with him. They did a fabulous job making him feel like he was part of the action and allowed him to boss them around. And the movers themselves weren’t short on good spirits, either. The company only sent two guys and it took them a solid ten hours to move everything. They, however, kept the jokes flowing freely to help us all keep our sanity. At one point while I was in the kitchen putting away dishes, one of them called from the living room after me and asked where I wanted my “vehicle”. What?- I thought. My vehicle? And with that he walked in to the room with my witches broom from my Halloween décor in his hand. I told him there was his tip out the window.He just laughed.

So all in all it (the move) wasn’t so bad. My husband says the worst part is over. I beg to differ. To him, the easy part is over as he gets to go back to work today and I am left for the next five days to put every thing away. And it’s a lot. I do have one room done, though. That would be the bathroom. So I am thinking that may be my haven this week. When I am looking around feeling overwhelmed by boxes and the like, I am going to take a book and go sit in my bathroom – perhaps lounge in my tub- and soak in the calm and organization that lives there. Who knew the bathroom could be such an inviting place? I have never been one to want to spend any quality time in there, but hey, things are changing. Why not?

Finally, on a totally unrelated note, one last interesting bit in my colorful weekend, was in the form of a phone call. The long and the short of it is that my dad’s family owns a Dairy Queen and so we periodically take the kids to visit when my dad is there. Last weekend was one of those weekends. Well, while there we encountered an older woman and her daughter. They were interacting with the kids and seemed nice enough. I didn’t think anything of it. Well, as it ends up, one of the woman is from a local TV network and is working on finding families to audition for the show, Super Nanny, as they are going to do a taping from Minneapolis. Apparently something struck her about our family (and I didn’t think the kids were even THAT bad!! It was one of our better outings!) and she asked if we are interested. As many of you know, the Super Nanny is a show in which this Brittish Nanny Joe Frost goes in to people’s homes and helps them with their kids addressing behavioral issues, family dynamics, etc. When it comes on, I refer to it as the “Naughty Kids show”. Will we take her up on the offer? The jury is out. I think it may be a completely incredible experience, and at the same time, I get enough exposure in our little town of Hastings when I am out with my kids that I am not so sure I want anymore attention directed our way then my kids already illicit! So we will see.

Well moms, I am afraid I have a date with a house of boxes and very large puppy so for this week, I bid you farewell and send you wishes on a very calm, and organized week. Something mine will certainly be not! Who knows, though. I may just take the dog and have a party in the bathroom. Of any oasis, who knew it would be where the toilet lives! Have a great week!

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