Monday, November 16, 2009

Mom Chronicles 19: Something to Believe In

The Mom Chronicles: Something to Believe in

Welcome back for another rendition of the Mom Chronicles.A special shout out to Trish, my biggest fan.It always warms ones heart to hear they are appreciated, and apparently at least to her, my work here is.So thank you, Trish!

So this week I find myself breaking all the rules and joining the Hallmarks and commercial businesses out there and decking the halls even before the Thanksgiving turkey is served. Yes, this year, I am one of THOSE people.To those of you wanting to shake your fingers at me and say shame on me for giving in to the commercialism and breaking out the holiday lights and displays too early, to you I say I know. Really, it is too early. But at least I don't have a tree up yet.

You see, traditionlly, the holiday season like for so many others, is my favorite time of the year. I can't wait to twirl in the magic of the newly fallen snow amid the wet falling flakes, and hang up my twinkle lights for all to see. I embark on the venture of choosing a tree with great seriousness and purpose. There is, after all, only one kind of "right" tree and each year I am in search of the perfect one. I decorate it carefully, selecting each ornament and placing it with care in the perfect location. Then there is of course,the Department 56 snow village I construct with all the people and lights and buildings.There is the garland, and animated snowmen and other holiday figures, which entertain my kids for hours, and the snow globes that line my shelf. The stalkings are hung on the wall with care, and the smell of pine christens the air. Needless to say with the last couple months I've been having, this has been exactly what the doctor's ordered.

And so, instead of spending our evenings making the traditional post day-care pick up drive looking for other peoples "ho-ho lights", as my son calls them, we put up our own. I am happy to see others are following our lead and doing the same.Instead of looking at bare spaces where the Halloween decorations just came and went, we filled them with all the Christmas decorations we could muster from the garage.We pulled out the holiday CD's and they now are our driving entertainment. And tonight I sit back, and look around at the wonder we created (minus the tree, I am not that over zealous) I think what a gift I have given myself, and my kids.

You see, while for many the holiday season feels like a time of hustle bustle and business, when I sit amid my atmosphere of garland, and primitive holiday decor, with soft white lights and holiday music, while drinking hot cocoa in my favorite flannel pajamas, life slows down. The kids faces light up and their innocence shines through. There is of course talk of Santa Clause, and as I parent I love it because it is the perfect trick for getting the kids to listen for a month out of the year (can't tell you how many times I have already used the line- "You better behave because Santa Clause is watching!"). In these past few weeks, this is exactly what I have needed.And so albeit it a bit early, even I could not resist the temptation to invite Christmas to come a bit early this year. It's not like I have money to splurge on the kids on fantastic gifts- though I am certain I will find a way, I always do- and while life is far from great or even good right now, to me it's about more then that. It's about believing in something or someone greater then ourselves.It is about believng in something or someone that represents what we fight our whole lives to become. It is about being and belonging.It is about coming together and celebrating a season far more magical then any of us realize.And perhaps that is what I have needed lately- something to believe in.We all need something to believe in from time to time, don't we?

And so not only have I invited the holidays to come early, but I am encompassing myself with them. One of my favorite ventures as of late has been to Menards of all places, and no,it's not to pick up a fine looking man in the hardware isle.Instead I go and visit their enchanted holiday display. For those of you who don't know about it, it is in the center of the store and is something they do every year. They put up dozens of trees, decorating them with dozens of lights and ornaments, and set up other displays of figurines and lighted objects, etc. The lights are dim and there is holiday music playing overhead. It is so easy to wander through it and get lost. I have found that while there, every thing else seems to disappear.I am not sure if it is the lights, or the sounds, or just the wonder of it all, but it is an escape, there, in the middle of Menards of all places. And for you Chronicle moms out there needing a break, I strongly suggest you go meander through. I even brought the kids. They loved looking at all the lights and displays. And of course, there is a toy section close if the light display isn't enough for them. And it's not like that is the only store that has such a thing. I spend my days these days, visiting the various local stores wandering through their holiday displays. I have my usual suspects, and each year I pay visits to each one.I do not feel the need to buy things or spend money, simply to be and take in all the things that the season has to offer.And in the evenings, when the kids get restless we get in the car and drive around finding local light displays and getting excited about the new ones we find.To that end I say, get up your holiday lights!! There are seriously too many dark streets in Hastings with out a single one! Now, to those of you who are already sporting the decked out tree in the front window, I applaud you, for you have more holiday spirit then even I! But to those of you who are struggling to find it with in you to even take down the Halloween pumpkins (no it doesn't mean you have to get rid of the candy!- Just change he bowl you store it in!) I strongly encourage you to do some soul searching and discover what this holiday season means for you. When you find it, embrace it, and use it to surround yourself in whatever it is that helps you remember it.

For me, this holiday season is about having faith.Having faith that things will be better, having faith in myself to overcome the adversity in my life, having faith in God to guide me to where I am supposed to go. It's also about believing.I have always had a child like faith.I have always held on to the mythical figures of Santa Clause and the Easter bunny, not for what they bring but for what they represent, primary of which is selfless giving. And as I teach my kids about such figures and they develop their own beliefs I also intend to teach them about what this season is really about.

As I write this I am reminded of my favorite holiday movie, "Miracle on 34th Street". I am fairly certain most of you are familiar with it so I will skip the synopsis.Ultimately, though, the movie is about having faith in someting and believing in something that exists even if it is not something tangable or that you can touch.For me, my belief this year is needing to extend far beyond Santa Clause.While an adult, I still have a belief in the spirit of him; however, what I am talking about extends quite far beyond that. And so be it a bit early, I do have my holday lights and displays up not for commercial reasons, but as reminders in this difficult time, that there is still some magic out there.That life still is something I can believe in and that my kids can believe in. I don't know about you, but I will trade pumpkins for that any day, even if the turkeys have not yet been defrosted

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