Monday, October 19, 2009

Mom Chrpnicles 15 Oct 2009

The Mom Chronicles: Pumpkins, Apples and Parks, Oh, My!

What a weekend! It's amazing what lies hidden beneath the surface of a beautiful fall day! This past weekend we had a pair of them. Finally, I could suit up my kids in light coats and sweats and head out to show them what the fall is all about!

A forecast of warmth, albeit relative, and sun was all it took for me to arouse my kids early on Saturday morning and pack up our things for a day out. Armed with a camera and lots of tissues for the kids' runny noses, we set out early to beat the crowds and hopefully, beat the afternoon melt downs, as well. Our first stop? A pumpkin patch of a local farmer. They had wagons of pumpkins of all shapes and sizes and a field still lined with the orange prizes. The best part? They were cheap! We were the first ones there, and that meant we had prime choice of the pumpkins and prime picture spots for that matter! The owners were thrilled to help take pictures of me and the kids, and helped to entertain the kids while I picked out the perfect pumpkins. Our result? Three big pumpkins, one medium sized one and a baby one.. In other words, one for each of us, one for Baby Sam, and a final random baby one. My son picked that one. Perhaps he has insight into my soul and my desire for another little pumpkin. Now granted I let Matthew pick his own, and it wasn't exactly the one I would have picked, but it is his and he can't wait to cut in to it. As for mine- they are pretty prime I must admit. There are two things during the year I am particular about- pumpkins and Christmas trees. This year was no exception.

After packing up the pumpkins we headed to Afton Apple. It has been a couple years since we have been to an orchard, and I have never personally been to that one, so that was second on our agenda for the day. To my surprise, the kids did great. We walked the rows of apples and Matthew eagerly helped me bag up the fresh apples. I did have to watch for his occasional wormy one he tried to throw in, but all in all we did good. We did the hay ride, and petting farm, and play ground, and of course devoured the apple cider brats for lunch. The venture would have been perfect, had my son not reached deep with in and off leashed that three year old side of him he so likes to show. There was a point I was practically yelling his name over every one else while waiting in line to pay for our goods before we left. He had his threshold. I got more then one look from other orchard goers as my son chose to run off on more then one occasion and I had to bite my tongue as if not to say, "Oh, whatever! As if your kids never did that!" The gal at the checkout gave me a look that even now I can't quite make out. I couldn't tell if it was a look of compassion or a look of disgust. Luckily, his performance only lasted a few minutes and we were on our way. The result? A bag of beautiful, tasty apples, loads of pictures and irreplaceable memories. When my kids called their dad to tell him what they did that day, his response was one of sorrow that he missed out. My thoughts of that? Your choice, your loss. I for one am so thankful to have those times with my kids. Oh, and what made the day the best? Both kids took naps when we got home. Both of them. For like, three hours. It can't get sweeter than that!!!

Sunday was all about the park. We went out to Spring Lake Park Reserve and had almost the whole place to ourselves. Where is everyone, I thought? Don't you know what you are missing? I let the kids loose to run, at least Matthew, the wooded trails. He climbed up on stumps and fallen trees and offered me some delightful photo opportunities. Even Ella got in to it and "posed" with her brother for pictures in the leaves. We had a picnic lunch and I let them play on the "Big playground" vs the "Little one" that they are limited to when they go with their day care. My daughter squeeled as she slid down the slides and sailed in to the air on the swings. This was followed by a most fabulous Vikings win and once again, both kids napping for me on a rare Sunday afternoon allowing me time to curl up on the couch and watch a movie of my choice, while snacking on caramel apples from the day before.

I may not be in the best of modes these days, and I admit I have been far from my best self, but I will be the first to admit that a cure for that, if only a very short term one, was the weekend I had with my kids.

Next weekend, my kids will be back with their dad. I don't know if he will take advantage of his time with them to set out to make the memories I am committed to making, but I know whether he does or not, my kids will have the memories of these days to carry with them for years ahead.

One of my neighbors recently in observing me putting out Halloween decorations and orange "twinkle" lights with my kids, exclaimed how I am one of those moms who is just meant to be a mom. I may not always feel like an A plus mom, or even close, and I will be the first to admit that I have room to improve, but there still remains some truth to her statement. I am a mom, that I am. And while I have struggled to find purpose in my life, the most clear has been in the role of mother to my kids. I delight in them, and they in me. What better gift is there?

And so, my chronicle moms, I hope you are out making memories, too. Be it to jump in piles of leaves in the yard, go to orchards, haunted houses or the like, I hope you take the time to enjoy the season, limited as it has been, and to make memories that will last far after your kids move out and you are gone. If only we could bottle this weather, I know, but don't let the weather stop you. Decorate. Bake cookies. Watch Charlie Brown's Halloween special. Dance under the twinkle lights. Twirl in the princess costumes. These days will not last forever.

Have a great week!

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