Sunday, February 14, 2010

Check it Out!!

Hey, Moms! Sorry I have been a bit behind on my column updates! Since school started things have been a little crazy!! So in addition to reading my latest three columns, check out the new recipe page! I have recieved various emails from friends with recipes that I will be posting. I have just put a couple up but more are coming very soon so check back. Also coming soon... activities for you and your kids and a journal page from yours truly about the daily events in the Peterson home, not just what is happening in my column. So take time to explore the site more in future weeks. Thanks for taking the time to stop in! And please do become a "follower". It will allow you to get updates when the site is updated, to be able to leave comments, etc.
Have a great week!!


  1. Hi Amy! Months later after you commented on my blog,Bubble Gum On My Shoe,, I finally have a chance (and the time to check yours out). Looking forward to following the blog. I'm in West Saint Paul, can I find your column online?

  2. Hello! Great blog I found you through the mom blogs. I am a MN Mama too! Nice to meet you :)

