Monday, November 23, 2009

Mom Chronicles 20: Giving Thanks

Well welcome back, moms! It is sure great to have you here! I want to wish you and your families a joyous Thanksgiving and I hope that you are finding yourselves feeling ever so blessed.
This time of year it always seems somewhat unfortunate that while we are spending our time refecting on that which we are thankful for, we have a whole years worth to consider, as we neglect to do so the rest of the year. And each of us is guilty of it. When was the last time that you, or me, or anyone you know has taken the time to give thanks for the blessings in their lives or things they are thankful for? And why do we do that? Is it because we are so unappreciative of the good things or that we take them for granted, or do they simply escape us and we forget to take time to remember when things go well? I know each of us is certinaly good at recognizing when things don't go our way or when the, ahem, crap hits the fan. But what is it about the turkey, and mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce that brings out that thankfulness in each of us? The answer to that is as far from my grasp as it likely is yours.And while that is a reminder that we really need to spread the thanksgiving through out the year (perhaps not the food, though, or we would all be morbidly obese), the intent is not to take away from the thanksgiving in our hearts that we are feeling now. And so while you all ponder your answers to the infamous question "What are you thankful for", before you turn on the Thanksgiving Day Parade or cut in to your bird, here are a few things I will be giving thanks for.

First and foremost my kids. I am thankful for their joy that they bring in to my life and the colorfulness as well. I am thankful that only one of them grossly misbehaved while on our weekend venture to Treasure Island this past weekend, and that that is usually the case.I am thankful they are small enough to hold, but not so small that they can't interact and play with each other. I am glad they are getting bigger, but that they haven't out grown my lap. I am thankful they drive play cars, but not yet sit behind the wheel and drive a real one. I am thankful my son is working on being potty trained, but not for the "training" part. I am thankful that my daughter is making progress in terms of her gross motor development, and yet glad that she isn't running yet so she can't sneak out of her window and run away from home. I am thankful my son is able go to school, albeit it Sunday school, and more thankful that he's not yet to college where I'd have to say good bye.I am thankful they are both good poopers, for that means they are both good eaters. I am thankful my house is littered with toys, as it means children live here.I am thankful for "Good Night Moon" and"Seak and find" books, as they mean my kids are showing an interest in reading. I am thankful for the occasional crayon mark on the wall or marker streak on the couch as it means my children are able to express their creativity. I am thankful for their quiet snores when they are both fast asleep as it means I get a break, and I am thankful when I hear my daughter singing from her crib in the mornings when she awakes as I know she made it through the night. I am thankful my kids do so well in daycare, as it means I made a good choice in providers for them. I am thankful when I see them interacting with other kids as it means they are developing social skills.I am thankful when my son tells me "You make me angry, mommy!" as he is starting to learn to express his feelings. I am thankful when I hear them say "please" and "thankyou" as I know I have taught them good manners.And I am thankful when I hear how beautiful my kids are, as it means that of course, they take after me!

I am thankful that I have a car to drive, and that gas is under three dollars a gallon. I am thankful that while I lost one job, I still have this one. I am thankful I get to start school in a couple months to pursue a degree I can take pride in. I am thankful that in spite of everything, my kids have a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food in their stomachs. I am thankful for diet coke. And olives. I love olives. I am thankful for twinkle lights and jingle bells. I am thankful that there are people following my lead in putting up their holiday decor and that everyone isn't as "Bah humbug" about the impending holiday season as some I have experienced the past few days. I am thankful for friends who have stuck around and feel badly for those who abandoned ship - you are missing out. I am thankful for the opportunity to teach confirmation at my church. I am thankful for community support and county support programs that are there for people in need. I am thankful for a caring and commited therapist, Barb, and for Peter Schill, my primary doctor who has gone above and beyond for me in such a way I will be eternally greatful for. I am thankful for Skip-Bo and Yahtzee and for having people brave enough to play against me in them. I am thankful Brett Favre came to the MN Vikings, if only to sport a purple Favre jersey in front of my ever loving Greenbay Packer fan of a husband. I am thankful for my extended family. I am thankful my grandma has "faught like a girl" and is doing quite well even as cancer has invaded her body. I am thankful I have a faith, and a God that will never leave me. I am thankful for Cipro, when my kidneys get infected as they did this past week, and for all the other meds that have worked to keep me healthy. I am thankful for crab legs, for they are the one meal that keeps my son perched at the table.Santa Clause, so I can con my son in to being a good listener. Marathons, so when my legs are better I can run one. And mostly, you fine moms out there, that give me this place to come on a weekly basis.

While non-inclisive, I hope my list inspires you to come up with your own lists of things you are greatful for. As usual, feel free to share them with me and other readers on my blog which is With in the next couple months the blog will be developing a new look, as I am working with a webdesigner to add more features and better designs to it. Stay tuned.

In the mean time, I hope you and your families have a truly blessed Thanksgiving. See you next week!

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