Monday, November 16, 2009

Mom Chronices 17: Repeat Offender

The Mom Chronicles: Repeat Offender

Happy Post-Halloween, Chronicle Moms! By now we are wishing we never brought the kids out trick or treating to begin with as we are riding their, and our own, rollar coaster coated by chocolate and sugar and things that gew. Each year we do it. We vow not to raid the kids candy bowls and then in a moment of weakness when we've "had it to here" we cave, and oh, how much we love the cave. Unfortunately, the satisfication we get from it doesn't last and we start the roller coaster of satisfaction, followed by guilt, inevitably followed by pouting or irritation in ourselves, and ultmately another splurge. We already ruined todays diet, after all. Then next year we could start our own version of Oprah's "How did I let it happen again?" story, the one she wrote last winter about how she let herself go to put on so much weight again.

Like you, I am here. Only I haven't done so much of the splurge this year. Perhaps that is because I am so busy unwrapping my kid's candy at such an alarming rate that I dont' have time to sneak one in myself! Ok, so that is so a joke, but even at three and one and a half my kids have no shortage of a sweet tooth. Both of them raid the candy bowl at any cause. Of course to each piece I stand on my feet and put my hands on my hips and say, "this is the last one!". Unfortunately by now my kids have learned the only thing less scary then me is a puppy chasing a butterfly so evem my most growly stance is less then intimidation. So I set the table for dinner. It's gummy worms for an appetizer (they are green and kind of resemble a salad), followed by a snickers bar (which resembles a steak), M& M's (mixed vegetables) and a rice krispie bar (a baked potato). For dessert it is anything that dips well in whipped cream. Sound rediculous? Yeah- kind of is. But isn't that how it feels?

I admit I have been weak when it has come to the Halloween candy and setting limits with myself and my kids. Perhaps it is out of guilt as I have spent two of the last three weeks hospitalized and away from my kids. Or could it be because I have intentions on cutting them off but Halloween inconveniently fell on the end of day lights savings weekend and my kids are so crabby from non adjustment to the time change that it (caving on the Halloween candy) proves to be my only minutes of respite? If only I knew for sure so that next year I really can do better. So that next year I can have self control and teach my kids self control and get through Halloween season with no rotted teeth or tummy aches or added poundage. That is my hope. For now, I am but a repeat offender.I have given in to the candy bowl. I am not proud, AND at least I am not as bad as my daughter.

Insert Peterson family story. So we, my kids and I, are hanging out this evening. They and myself are adjusting to my being back home after so much time away, and we are attempting to enjoy a night together. Being the pro-active mom I am, I stopped at the grocery store today and got and abundance of fruit and healthy snacks (perhaps guilt was setting in). We get home and get settled in and of course the kids are starving, so I get them settled into their fruit, which they eagerly inhale. We eat supper, and are sitting around looking at books. All of a sudden my daughter crawls down off the couch, around the corner in to the kitchen, and comes back with a full sized Snickers bar, to which she insisted I not only open all the way, but take completely out of the wrapping. At first I resisted, but I figured she would never eat it so I opened it. To my dismay, she stuck an end of it into her mouth grabbed her blankie and stuffed horsey she sleeps with at night, and lays down on the floor with them, Snicker bar still sticking out of her mouth. Seriously?! I mean, REALLY? Was I seeing what I thought I was? Indeed it was true. My daughter has become a chocolate monster. There she laid on the living room floor snuggling with her blanket and horsey and chocolate bar sticking out of her mouth. What have I done?!! So I take it from her mouth, to which she strongly protested, and to which my son stepped in for her and said, "That's my Ella's chocolate mommy!" (Ella is "My Ella" to Matthew now). I was stunned. The sugar monsters have set in. Who are these children? Certainly they are not mine! They left here on Halloween as an adorable, sweet kitty and brave fireman. They've come back monsters, scary and vicious foaming at the mouth.

This evening the candy bowl is safetely hidden in the cupbord. My children are sleeping peacefully, perhaps with dreams of sugar plums dancing in their heads. But there is no chocolate dripping from their mouths and their fingers are clean of caramel and crumbs. In all visible ways, the sugar monsters that possessed my kids a few hours ago have left to go and torment some one else's family. Beware. They may be at your house next.

For the Peterson house the only thing scarier then the Dr.Schill family haunted garage (which my son was too scared to enter) was my kids, sugar posessed. I have been brave. I have tamed the beasts that were and vow that next year, I will not be a repeat offender. Will you?

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